️DMD Diamond Blockchain’s Updates For January 2025

5 min readFeb 5, 2025


Another month of active developments has come to an end. Here are the developments that happened on the blockchain in January 2025 👇

▶️ The Beta version of DMDv4 is still running and available for public testing. All thanks to community members who have participated in the testing for the past 2 months of availability. Our shared efforts have continued to result in significant amounts of fine-tuning and improvements on the ecosystem, toward an ideal mainnet release in the future.

DMDv4 Open Beta is an environment that allows you to have a close-to-real network experience of the ecosystem’s industry features. Here’s a dedicated channel link for Open Beta participants to seek clarifications and directions on maximizing Open Beta testing: https://discord.com/channels/1267133854154756178/1306907935334727781

▶️ Based on Open Beta testing feedback and to further showcase exciting newer features and enhancements, designed to improve usability and customization for our ecosystem’s participants, we released a newer version (1.2) of Diamond-UI (https://beta-ui.bit.diamonds/) — which remains the central point of interaction between our users and the DMD diamond ecosystem. There’s an FAQ section (https://beta-ui.bit.diamonds/faqs) on the Diamond-UI website’s footer page. You can also learn more on GitHub (https://github.com/DMDcoin/whitepaper/wiki/H.-Diamond-UI) to maximize your experience interacting with the DMD diamond ecosystem.

▶️ The Chief Visionary, Helmut Siedl, was interviewed by https://onchainaustria.at/ about the DMD Diamond blockchain’s vision and unique selling points.

Original German article by OnchainAustria: https://onchainaustria.medium.com/dmd-diamond-chain-eine-blockchain-mit-vision-und-alleinstellungsmerkmalen-2a09f2dc422f

Translated English version: https://dmd-diamond.medium.com/dmd-diamond-chain-a-blockchain-with-vision-and-unique-selling-points-dmd-diamond-fbfe256da365

▶️ We are working on the feedback of the DAO and Core contract audits, to release an ideal DMDv4 mainnet launch in the spring as planned. We are already prepared to be part of the future heterogeneous interoperable blockchain ecosystem, and hopefully, 2025 would arguably be a commencing year for the DMD Diamond blockchain limelight.

“In the fast-lived crypto space, there are few projects that can boast a history that goes way back to 2013. Just for the records, that was the year in which Ethereum was proposed. Simultaneously, a motivated team of developers in Austria started working on the first version of the DMD Diamond blockchain. The fact that in 2025 the project is still around highlights the team’s dedication and persistence. In the current ecosystem, dominated by the hype around meme coins and a lack of technical understanding in the general public, it is refreshing to see the no-nonsense approach behind the DMD Diamond Chain. The core team focuses on constantly improving the underlying technology with an eye on finding solutions for the technical and economic trade-offs that accompany blockchains in general. It is exciting that they are back for good with a solution that implements the Honey Badger BFT cooperative consensus mechanism and fully supports the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The launch of the mainnet is scheduled for the second quarter of 2025 and I look forward to seeing their further development”.

▶️ One of the well-known members of the Austrian crypto scene — Horst Treiblmaier (a Professor for International Management at Modul University Vienna and Research Fellow of the UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies (CBT), the Digital Euro Association (DEC) and the DLT Education Consortium (DEC)) left an honest feedback on the DMD Diamond project by saying:

▶️ We shared an update on the GitHuB regarding Validator Node Spec recommendations, which include:

A 4 core 8 gb RAM, 200gb SSD (growing with blockchain size) and flatrate minimum of 100 mbit (up&down), with internet access & static IP address. For normal full node non-validator operation, a far lower requirement CPU/RAM/BANDWIDTH are possible, but to compile the node successfully, you still need a 4gb RAM and SSD space requirements remain the same.

NOTE: the new addition is the 100 mbit minimum speed and flatrate, due to validator nodes creating a lot of traffic and bandwidth usage.

▶️ The Diamond Naming System is another use-case coming on top of the DMDv4 in the future. Beyond that, we are working toward achieving cooperations with multi-chain protocols like Pantos, etc., and expand our possibilities to attract projects on top of our chain. Hence, we would be rightly positioned as a visible gem with our blockchain’s unique, industry-first abilities.

▶️ Remember, the DMDv4 mainnet release starts the age of the DAO governance. This means that after mainnet launch, every plan and the directions of the blockchain is absolutely how the DAO decides. The DAO refers to all DMD Diamond coin owners who stake on validators. DAO voting is done by validators, however, delegated stakers have the ability to switch validators if they don’t like the way their validator of choice voted.

▶️ DMD Diamond coins got listed on Xeggex the previous month — as a last pre-mainnet exchange. It also comes with the full support of the DMDv3 to DMDv4 switch process, just like Bitmart and P2PB2B. Xeggex is now a go-to exchange for our community members (like those in the USA, etc.) with restrictions on Bitmart and P2PB2B.

Xeggex also has a community-driven possibility for liquidity pools. Therefore, every community member can help generate liquid order books there and earn by trading fees — https://xeggex.com/liquiditypools

▶️ ️Remember, it’s our shared community efforts to increase DMD Diamond coins’ buy-pressure and overall liquidity on exchanges where the coins are listed, if we really want a higher price!

▶️ Here’s a reminder that we are a transparent, open-source ecosystem. We embrace a complete, open development with open issues and boards with priorities. To actively check through every action on our repositories, here’s the tracker channel: https://discord.com/channels/1267133854154756178/1304442078893183007

As a community-driven blockchain, it’s our shared effort to make the DMD diamond ecosystem stay on top of the future heterogeneous interoperable blockchain. Therefore, we look forward to your suggestions for improving the code developments and documentation on GitHub — https://github.com/dmdcoin

▶️ Do you still have any questions or clarifications regarding the current mainnet DMDv3? Probably how to stake on DMDv3 or setting up a native DMDv3 wallet, etc., head on to the DMDv3 FAQ section: https://diamond-info.github.io/

▶️ Exchanges For Trading DMD diamond coins 👇

🔹 Xeggex

DMD/BTC: https://xeggex.com/market/DMD_BTC DMD/ETH: https://xeggex.com/market/DMD_ETH DMD/USDT: https://xeggex.com/market/DMD_USDT

🔹 Bitmart (Recommended to use!) https://www.bitmart.com/trade/en-US?layout=basic&theme=dark&symbol=DMD_BTC

🔹P2PB2B: https://p2pb2b.com/trade/DMD_BTC/

▶️ Our Documentations

🔹Whitepaper: https://github.com/DMDcoin/whitepaper/wiki

🔹Github: https://github.com/dmdcoin 🔹DMDv3 FAQ: https://diamond-info.github.io/

▶️ Article Within The Month:

🔹 How Do You Get Selected As A Validator Candidate Within The DMD Diamond Blockchain Ecosystem? https://bit.diamonds/2025/01/27/how-do-you-get-selected-as-a-validator-candidate-within-the-dmd-diamond-ecosystem/

🔹 DMD Diamond Blockchain Vision and Unique Selling Points (Helmut Siedl’s Interview with Onchainaustria)

Original German Article: https://onchainaustria.medium.com/dmd-diamond-chain-eine-blockchain-mit-vision-und-alleinstellungsmerkmalen-2a09f2dc422f

Translated English Version: https://dmd-diamond.medium.com/dmd-diamond-chain-a-blockchain-with-vision-and-unique-selling-points-dmd-diamond-fbfe256da365

🔹 How is a fully decentralized blockchain project doing after 12 years? (Helmut Siedl’s Interview with Web3 Marketing Agency — Sombrero Galaxy) https://sombrerogalaxy.agency/journal/f/dmdhow-is-a-fully-decentralized-blockchain-doing-after-14-years

🔹Helmut Siedl’s interviews about his views on Crypto, Decentralization, and the Outlook of DMD Diamond. https://themarketperiodical.com/2025/01/24/exclusive-interview-with-helmut-siedl-austrian-crypto-visionary/


▶️ Our Social Presence:


🔹Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MwqZ2CYcB4 🔹Telegram: https://t.me/DMDcoin 🔹Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/dmd

Social Media

🔹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmdcoin/ 🔹Telegram: https://t.me/DMDcoin https://t.me/dmd_coin 🔹Twitter: https://twitter.com/dmdcoin 🔹LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dmd-diamond/

More about DMD Diamond

🔹Website: https://bit.diamonds/ 🔹Blog: https://bit.diamonds/blog/ 🔹Medium: https://dmd-diamond.medium.com/ 🔹Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=580725.msg64407626#msg64407626

🗣 Kind regards!




Written by DMD DIAMOND

The first blockchain with a cooperative HBBFT consensus, EVM smart-contract abilities and dPOS-based validator election. Learn more: https://bit.diamonds/

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