🗣️ The Facts About Unique Diamond NFT Collector Experience on DMDv4💫
All thanks to the DMD diamond blockchain for providing an ecosystem with offerings such as using a first industry cooperative algorithm (HBBFT), dynamic block times, higher throughput, instant transactions finality, cheaper transaction cost, robust security, and more. These offerings are arguably providing an enabling environment for third-party projects to get hosted and thrive on the DMD diamond blockchain
On that note was what brought the idea of the Unique Diamond NFT Collector, from a third-party company called Blockserv. This would be the first third-party project to get hosted by Q2, 2023 when DMD v4 comes live as planned.
The Unique Diamonds NFT Collector on DMDv4 would come with an NFT Smith that affords you the option to mint NFTs. You can mint 24 unique diamonds (NFTs) per day with attributes (Intrinsic and extrinsic) that are randomly calculated. You can cut the NFTs using the cutter, engrave the NFTs, lend/rent the mine, and lend/rent the cutter.
Furthermore, it would come with an NFT Marketplace — where buyers and sellers could trade unique diamond NFTs to switch ownership. You can also have a DMD-themed NFT collector experience by allowing the creation of your NFT collection and later selling/trading them on the marketplace. The marketplace web page also comes with features such as Hot Auctions, Trending Collections, Featured NFTs, and step-by-step guides from how to set up or connect your DMD wallet, to filling your profile, to choosing your NFT type, and finally on how to list your NFTs for sale.
It would come with a user-friendly interface and open-source smart contract codes visible on GitHub. However, front-end codes and some of the NFT marketplace codes are closed-source.
The Unique Diamonds NFT Collector comes with immutable game mechanics that work through soft burning the DMD diamond coins to mint unique Diamond NFTs. Soft burned DMD would be rolled out again slowly as bonus rewards on the DMD Network to validators over a multiple years timeframe.
These minted NFTs represent the same value as the burned DMD diamond coins, and in addition, have attributes that make each of them unique and have more value. They could also be used in link with upcoming projects on our blockchain.
You can’t afford to miss the demo version of the Unique Diamond NFT Collector experience on the beta testnet, and real version on DMDv4 mainnet😁
While the Unique Diamond NFT Collector experience serves as a Proof of Concept of what third-party project experience could be on our blockchain, are you having a project that can benefit from the enabling use-cases brought forward by the DMD diamond blockchain?
If yes, reach out now! Don’t procrastinate!